The Personal Reconnection®

The Reconnection - Heal Others, Heal Yourself: book by Dr Eric PearlOur  body contains its own set of energetic lines, called meridians. Although only remnants of what they once were, these lines continue to serve as our interface with the universe.  A channel that facilitates  communication between humans and the universe via the frequencies of energy, light and information.

As theory has it, at one point in time we became disconnected from these lines  distancing us from our previously rapid and expansive rate of evolution. The Personal Reconnection brings in “new” axiatonal lines that reconnect us on a more powerful and evolved level than ever before. These lines are part of a timeless network of intelligence, a parallel-dimensional system that draws the basic energy for the renewal functions of the human body.

The Personal Reconnection® allows the exchange of  the frequencies of Energy, Light and Information, the reconnection of DNA strands and the reintegration of ’strings’  For Ascension Strings are needed to reconnect parallel planes of existence, also called dimensions. This transforms body, mind and spirit, clearing blocks, restoring balance, opening up our intuition and accelerating us towards our life’s purpose.
It is important to know that what is called Axiatonal Alignment is different from The Personal Reconnection®.

After The Personal Reconnection® Anna Christine will inform Dr.Pearl’s office so that you are entitled to  participate in  The Reconnection-Certified Practitioner Program (RCPP), – formerly Level III.

The Personal Reconnection® is only done once during your life time and the two sessions have to be done in person..

Many practitioners have reported an increase in their ability to channel higher healing frequencies after their Personal Reconnection. Therefore The Personal Reconnection® is highly recommended for people who practice any form of energy healing.


Please note: Reconnective Healing is like a ‘decluttering’ process of trauma and other imbalances. While not required, it is suggested that you experience 1 – 3 Reconnective Healing® or Distant Reconnective Healing sessions prior to receiving The  Personal Reconnection®.

The total fee of The Personal Reconnection® (Two sessions) is $ 333.
Only 1 -3 nights should pass between the two sessions.

What’s the difference between Reconnective Healing® and The Personal Reconnection®? 

Both are done off the body. Both are using the Reconnective Healing frequency  spectrum.  For both no claims, promises, and guarantees are made.
The intent of Reconnective Healing® is essentially that of healing ( physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and more) and some Reconnection will also occur.
Distant Reconnective Healing sessions are possible.

The intent of The  Personal Reconnection® is to bring us into the fullness of our inherent connection with the universe. You will, to some extent, experience healing as part of the process.
The  Personal Reconnection®  can only be done in person and lasts for your whole life..

Reconnective Healing® sessions and The Personal Reconnection® are to be experienced on separate occasions.

The scientific explanation and significance of The  Personal Reconnection® is explained in chapter 317 of the book ‘The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch of Enoch’, by J. J. Hurtak



